The St. Thomas More/UNC-Newman Spiritual Direction Ministry is offering two in-person small groups to experience the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, adapted for daily life.
On Friday, April 5th at 6:30 pm join us for a night of classical and contemporary music produced, directed, and performed by our Newman students. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be provided. Ticket proceeds will support Newman Campus Ministry. Seating is limited so register soon. Purchase tickets at:
Did you know that Newman rents football tailgate permits through The Car Park? Season permits for the church lot are now sold out, but our Premium Tailgate Package can be rented for individual games. The Premium Tailgate Package includes space for three cars and the use of the church front lawn (south side adjacent to the church exit driveway). Grab some friends and enjoy a fun tailgate experience all while supporting Newman’s ministries! If interested, contact The Car Park at [email protected] or call (919) 833-7522.
Anyone who in charity wishes to donate to Maui Relief is encouraged to do so through Hawaiian Catholic Charities Maui Relief - Catholic Charities Hawaiʻi (
This Friday at 10:00 AM Friar Tim and a group of our college students will be featured on Divine Mercy Radio, 540-AM, to talk about Catholic Campus Ministry in Chapel Hill. Please tune in.
Married or engaged couples ages 20-35 are invited to an evening social event with dinner and a short marriage formation talk. Meeting other young married (or to-be-married) couples is an essential way to strengthen your bond and create community. Sprinkle in some evidence-based ways to make your relationship stronger and you have a perfect date night. The event starts immediately after the 5:30 pm Mass.