Welcome to Newman!
Newman is here to be your home away from home, a place of joy, love, and acceptance, where we meet God through Sacraments, prayer, and service and encourage each other to grow as followers of Christ.
Whether you are looking for Sunday Mass, seeking friends who share common values, or just need some quiet space for prayer or study, the Newman Catholic Community offers a variety of opportunities to grow in faith and friendship.
Small Faith Groups (SFGs) are weekly gatherings in which students share thoughts on the upcoming Sunday Gospel. These groups are a great way to build friendships while learning more about our faith.
18:20 Groups (based on Matthew 18:20 – “where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them”) are even smaller groups that focus on a spiritual topic of the group’s choice.
Newman partners with several local service agencies, including Habitat for Humanity, Catholic Charities’ Durham Community Food Pantry, and Orange County Justice United. To learn more about these and other service opportunities, please contact Megan Green at [email protected].
Additionally, there are plenty of in-house service opportunities, including liturgical (sacristans, greeters, lectors, Eucharistic ministers); musical (cantors/singers, musicians of any kind); Carolina Catholic Night (cooking, meal prep, clean-up); teaching catechesis to the children of the parish; and various parish committees and task forces. Register with us and share your interests, and we will help you get connected.
Newman offers an Awakening Retreat each Fall, which aims to awaken the gift of God implanted within each one of us since our Baptism. Carolina Awakening is the perfect opportunity to get away from campus, make new friends, and connect with God in a deeper way.
UNC students have the fulfilling opportunity to teach the Catholic faith to the children of Newman’s parish families who are in Pre-K through grade 12. To learn more, contact Amy Randall at [email protected].
Newman offers multiple opportunities to continue developing in your faith. We host a variety of single presentations and series throughout the year, both in-person and via video, offered for students only or in combination with other parishioners. Please check out Newman’s Continuing Faith Formation webpage for further resources.
In conjunction with neighboring St. Thomas More Parish, Newman sponsors a Spiritual Direction Ministry; for more information, please check out our Spiritual Direction page.
If you’re not a Catholic but are interested in becoming Catholic, Newman’s OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) is for you; please contact Kathy Cole [email protected] or text Shannon Williams 919.368.4063 for more information.
If you’re a baptized Catholic but have not completed the other Sacraments of Initiation (First Communion and/or Confirmation), please contact Amy Randall at [email protected] for more information.
Our Sunday email is the primary way in which you can find out about events, programs, and other opportunities within the Newman Catholic Community. Register with us to receive it!
Follow us on Instagram @unc_newman.Join our Newman Pals GroupMe using the QR code posted in the Newman Activity Center.
Newman staff is always happy to talk with you! Feel free to reach out to us through our contact page.
View this profile on Instagram@unc_newman ⢠Instagram photos and videos
“My faith life has developed during college by becoming less of an obligation for me and now completely a desire. College has allowed me to take my faith life to a whole new level and grow closer with the Lord.”▸ Lauren Hackett, ‘25